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- Bearded
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- Awned
- Awnletted
- Ultra early for double croppers
- Impressive tillering ability
- Fine straw that cuts easily
- Good scab resistance
- Palisade recommended in high fertility
AM 500 is the earliest product on the market, allowing growers to start harvest quicker and plant double crop soybeans earlier. This is a unique looking product that is medium short in height and produces a lot of tiller heads. It reaches maximum yields from a high head count. This is a good fit for the back half of planting season and average to lighter soils.
- Ultra early for quick start to harvest
- Heavyweight™! Superior test weight
- Great yields across Midwest for maturity class
- Aggressive tillering variety
- Responds to fungicides for enhanced leaf health
AM 520 is the top of the ultra early maturity class, allowing a fast start to harvest. AM 520 packs a punch with our special HEAVYWEIGHT™ designation! Bringing more yield and heavier test weight into this ultra early class, growers will improve their wheat and double crop soybean returns. We like this product even more in management programs that use fungicides and Palisade. AM 520 has shown broad adaptation to many soil profiles with great reviews in lighter soils. Growers will like its huge grain heads and attractive appearance in the field.
- Excellent test weight
- Joints early, shows early nitrogen demand need
- Good for late planting
- Tillers well
- Fungicide at bloom recommended
AM 492 is a very early product with top-of-the-line test weight AND yield for the South. AM 492 tillers well and joints early, making it a better fit for later plantings. This product works well across a wide range of soil profiles. Our data has shown that AM 492 provides a high ROI for a fungicide application at bloom. Growers will be impressed with the huge grain heads and attractive looks at harvest!
- Heavyweight™ for elite test weight
- Late jointing product, but matures early/very early
- Straw dries quickly & makes double cropping easier
- Very good head scab resistance
- Excellent milling & baking qualities
AM 531 is a HEAVYWEIGHT™ that brings value to the double crop farmer. This product performs well in no-till with very good emergence. If you plant early, you will appreciate the late joint of AM 531 to lessen the risk of spring freeze damage. We like this product in a fungicide program to help overall health and performance. Additionally, AM 531 minimizes head scab infections with a very good rating, enabling this product to be planted behind corn and put high quality grain in the bin. Speaking of high quality, some mills have AM 531 on their preferred list.
- Impressive yields in the early maturity class
- Joints late to lessen freeze risk
- Very quick dry down in field for early harvest
- Top notch head scab resistance
- Low straw yield & easy double crop planting
Double crop farmers will love AM 511. For an early maturity, AM 511 can yield. We’ve found it works across a variety of soil profiles, with best performance on average to better soils. At physiological maturity, AM 511 has a rapid dry down. We’ve seen AM 511 test within 1% moisture difference of the ultra earlies! AM 511 is a moderate plant stature with finer straw, which lessens straw yield and helps improve double crop soybean stands. In high fertility and high yield environments, we encourage the use of Palisade for improved standability.
- Proven top-end yielder with large area of adaptation
- Excellent head scab resistance & good test weight
- Palisade recommended in high fertility
- Place in all soils, but strong in lighter soils and/or lower fertility
- Good choice behind corn & soybeans
- Good choice for 15" rows
This medium early line is a big time product. Growers can expect elite yields, excellent head scab resistance and strong foliar disease scores with AM 503. This product has excellent stress tolerance to power through tough environments while maintaining superior yield potential for productive environments. AM 503 joints late for maturity class to lessen risk of spring freeze. AM 503 is the star-of-the-show and a show-off at harvest with huge head flex...producing 20+ spikelet heads. You’ll want to show it off, too!
- Special product! Heavyweight™ & Defender™
- Superior yields with agronomics
- Works across variety of soils
- Good choice behind corn & soybeans
- Good choice for 15" rows
- Joints late for maturity class
This 5-star product holds a distinct honor of being both a DEFENDER™ and HEAVYWEIGHT™! Maximum plant health. Maximum test weight. Maximum yields. As a DEFENDER™, AM 513 has the best overall disease package and is a great fit for standard management programs. In high management programs, AM 513 has welcomed growers into our 150 Bushel Club! We also like how it tillers well, joints late, performs across all soil types and finishes with a timely harvest. AM 513 is simply a must plant on every farm.
- Superstar in the East & South
- Strong tillering product with stiff straw
- Hessian fly resistance
- Impressive plant health showcasing a clean flag leaf
- Great double crop product with quick dry down
AM 543 is a new and exciting variety that is a shining star. This medium early product offers a complete package to growers: strong yield stability, high disease resistance, stiff straw and good looks! The disease resistance is impressive, benefiting growers who are looking for protection against Hessian fly, BYDV, leaf rust, stripe rust and head scab. AM 543 works across all soil types to use as a go-anywhere product. It has quick dry down at maturity and can be used on all soil types for an earlier start to harvest. AM 543 is one to plant in 2024!
- High yielding, stable performance across regions
- Medium shorter plant with lower straw production
- Performs well across all soils
- Lead yielder for Medium Early maturity class
- Protect with insecticide treatment if planting early
There's a lot to like about AM 553 as it's a great fit for double crop operations... great yields, shorter plant, good test weight and timely harvest. AM 553 was the top medium early yielder in our 2024 testing. AM 553 gets its yield in high tillering, high head count environments. It has a very good overall agronomic package and responds to management. We like the use of Palisade and fungicides in the management program for top yields. It matures nicely in the desired medium early group for timely double crop plantings, making it a great all-around performer.
- Top performer in South & Midwest
- Strong tillering capability, excellent for 15" rows
- Great choice for lighter soils & lower fertility environments
- Palisade recommended in high fertility
- Impressive all season & beauty at harvest
AM 514 is a top yielding product in the Midwest and South for multiple years. AM 514 is an aggressive tillering product with a robust plant profile that works best in lower organic matter soils, low fertility environments, late plantings and areas where growers need more heads per sq/yd. This product is better suited at average to lower populations versus higher populations. Good plant health and excellent head scab scores make it a beauty at harvest.
- Superior test weight, ranked #1
- Workhorse + racehorse combo
- Stiff straw for high fertility environments & higher populations
- Very good head scab resistance, good behind corn
- Widespread soil placement
AM 505 is a HEAVYWEIGHT™ that showcases #1 test weight AND #1 yield finishes...a rarity and a must plant! Test weights in the 63-65# range will be a theme with this product. When we evaluate yield, test weight, head scab, stripe rust and standability, AM 505 checks all the boxes. AM 505 can be planted in all soils and we have seen it beef up even more in productive and fertile environments. This leader has already become a farmer favorite and will set many new farm records.
- New & improved AM 454
- AM 454 type yielder with superior disease resistance
- Responds to high management & fertile soils
- Defender™ with excellent agronomics
- Looks to handle wetter soils like AM 454 does
- Maximizes photosynthesis all season long with erect canopy growth
AM 525 is a new and improved version of AM 454...upgrade your horsepower to AM 525! The biggest improvement is noticed in disease resistance. When comparing the two products, AM 525 has better BYDV, septoria leaf blotch, leaf rust, stripe rust and head scab resistance...a complete and consistent package. AM 525 packs a yield punch as well, winning state yield contests and welcoming growers into our 150 Bushel Club. AM 525 thrives in high management programs and fertile soils. We've seen it handle wet field conditions as well.
- Heavyweight™! Elite test weight
- New and improved version of AM 415
- Broad placement for all soil types
- Stiff straw for high management programs
- Very good stress tolerance for stability
- Hessian fly resistance to most biotypes
- Responds to fungicide at bloom
AM 535 is a HEAVYWEIGHT™ that is a new and improved AM 415. AM 535 dominates in the same footprint AM 415 did, so if you liked AM 415, you'll love AM 535. This product can be placed across a wide variety of soil profiles and has the resilience to bring big yields, heavy test weight, great standability, good foliar disease scores and Hessian fly tolerance. Good years and tough years, AM 535 should be a consistent performer to depend on. Full speed ahead!
- New yield champion
- Elite performance across the midwest & northern regions
- Excellent choice for fields with high fertility
- Can be pushed in high management programs
- Great head scab scores
- Manage rusts with fungicides
AM 545 is the new yield champion for wheat growers. This medium maturity product unlocks a new level of top end yield for high management programs. AM 545 is built for yield, yield and yield. This product has excellent standability and head scab scores to benefit growers. With a later jointing date, you can plant this product earlier in the fall with confidence. AM 545 is a great fit for average to better soils where you're looking to push yields. As with most racehorse varieties, the use of fungicides is recommended to improve plant health and elevate yield.
- Star of the show in plots and fields
- Got-to-have-it looks and eye appeal
- Heavy tillering and long heads
- Excellent standability for higher nitrogen rates
- Offensive, racehorse variety for high management
We are excited to finally release AM 555 in the Midwest. This variety topped a numerous amount of research plots during advancement and demonstrates racehorse yield potential in good growing environments. For growers needing top-of-the-line standability, AM 555 is a go-to choice. AM 555 is a 5 star beauty that responds to high management programs by producing a lot of huge grain heads and big yields.
- Superior performance in eastern U.S.
- Yield, yield & yield
- Adapted for all environments & soils... Mr. Go Anywhere
- Good choice if wanting to lessen freeze risk in the East
- Strong overall agronomics & plant health
- Hessian fly resistance to some biotypes
AM 516 is a go-anywhere, dominant and stable product across much of the major wheat growing regions. Regionally, AM 516 is a powerhouse and must plant in the eastern and northern regions, bringing a new level of yield. This product checks all the boxes with top-of-the-line agronomics and eye appeal. AM 516 is a strong tillering product that builds a high head count for elite yields, year after year.
- All about yield with large, uniform head size
- Good for early planting with late joint
- Best in well-drained, average and lighter soils
- Nutrient scavenger that's good for lower nitrogen rates
- Good head scab and stripe rust scores. Manage leaf rust.
- Palisade recommended for optimal results
AM 556 dominated research trials and 3rd party testing during advancement. This medium/medium late variety will elevate yield potentials for average to lighter soils. AM 556 demonstrates good stress tolerance to handle heat and drought. This late jointing variety will work well in early planted scenarios and also be a good fit behind corn. We recommend Palisade if trying to push fertility rates. Growers can see the yield before the combine with the large, uniform head sizes.
- Strongest in northern zones
- Good choice for growers wanting straw
- Responds to fungicides at bloom
- Excellent milling & baking quality
- Palisade recommended in high fertility
- High nitrogen use efficiency
AM 498 replaced our popular AM 438. Visually, they look similar in the field, but AM 498 has better yield, standability, scab and test weight. AM 498 tillers well and has excellent winter hardiness for northern winters. It’s a fuller season maturity that has a niche for growers wanting a longer season product. If you are wanting straw, AM 498 is a good choice as it tillers well and is a taller product. Our research has shown that AM 498 responds to fungicides at bloom for growers managing for top end yields.
- Defender™ with top rated disease resistance
- Excellent against stripe & leaf rust
- Very high top end yield potential
- Good planted early & late
- Excellent milling & baking quality
AM Cartwright is a medium maturity, high yielding product for the Central Plains. As a DEFENDER™, it has one of the best leaf disease packages in the industry. Our data shows that in a non-fungicide program, AM Cartwright is one of the best you can plant. It holds a clean flag leaf all season with great scores against stripe rust and leaf rust. It also responds and stands well in high management programs, showcasing plot winning 100 bu/ac finishes! AM Cartwright carries Hessian fly resistance, moderate tolerance to acid soils, strong fall vigor season-long attractiveness, elite plant health and big heads at harvest. A must plant!
- Simply the best wheat for Michigan
- Industry leading yield & head scab protection combo
- Moderate on rusts, could benefit from fungicides
- Stiff straw
- Many #1 finishes in the thumb of Michigan
AM Mackinaw is a high flying product, full of eye appeal and ready to impress. It showcases next level yield performances in a high management system, making it an excellent choice for top growers. AM Mackinaw brings an improved FHB resistance and lower DON levels when compared to competitive wheat products. Millers will enjoy the excellent quality it offers. Adapted to all soils and environments, AM Mackinaw is the crown jewel for Soft White Winter Wheat growers in Michigan.