The 2024 NEW AgriMAXX Products

The AgriMAXX portfolio is dominant and expansive. We offer a lot of choices because every farm, grower and region is different. There is a reason why every product is in the lineup.

In order to launch a new wheat variety with additional agronomic strengths, we go through a rigorous process that takes years of trials and data. They must earn their place in the lineup; only the very best wheat gets added.

Below are the two new products to consider planting on your farm in 2024.

Soft Red Winter Wheat

NEW! AM 543: 

AM 543 is a new and exciting variety that is a shining star. This medium early variety offers a complete package to growers: strong yield stability, high disease resistance, stiff straw and good looks! The disease resistance is impressive, benefiting growers who are looking for protection against Hessian fly, BYDV, leaf rust, stripe rust and head scab. This go-anywhere product with quick dry down at maturity can be used on all soil types for an earlier start to harvest. AM 543 is one to plant in 2024!

  • Superstar in the East & South
  • Strong tillering variety with stiff straw
  • Impressive plant health showcasing a clean flag leaf

Download AM 543 Tech Sheet



NEW! AM 545:

AM 545 is the new yield champion. This medium maturity product unlocks a new level of top end yield for high management programs. AM 545 is built for yield, yield and yield. This product has excellent stand ability and head scab scores to benefit growers. With a later jointing date, you can plant it earlier in the fall with confidence. AM 545 is a great fit for average to better soils where you’re looking to push yields. As with most racehorse wheat products, the use of fungicides is recommended to improve plant health and elevate yield.

  • Elite performance across the midwest & northern regions
  • Excellent choice for soils with high fertility
  • Great head scab scores

Download AM 545 Tech Sheet

  • Kristen Wehmeyer
    Kristen Wehmeyer
    Sr. Marketing & Communications Manager

    AgriMAXX Wheat