Missouri has the ideal growing conditions for high yielding wheat. And a high yielding wheat crop means a more profitable acre when compared to other crops, such as corn and soybeans. That’s why Missouri leads the nation in soft red winter wheat planted acreage.
Over the past recent years, wheat farmers across the Midwest have significantly enhanced their wheat yields. Farmers are harvesting field averages in the upper 120’s, 130’s and into the 140’s. Is it possible to achieve 150 bu/acre?
AgriMAXX Wheat Company, an independent, family owned wheat company, created three elite clubs of wheat growers back in 2011, called the 100 Bushel Club, 125 Bushel Club and 150 Bushel Club, to recognize their customers who are excelling in wheat production. When asked about whether 150 bushel/acre wheat is achievable in Missouri, Matt Wehmeyer, Vice President at AgriMAXX Wheat said, “Many growers laughed and thought it was out of reach when we launched our Clubs. Now that they are planting AgriMAXX and experiencing what our varieties can do, they aren’t laughing anymore! They’ve joined in on the fun.”
AgriMAXX Wheat Company, alongside Weber Seeds, will be hosting a High Management Wheat Workshop on Thursday, August 31 in Marshall, MO. This event will feature two renowned international wheat specialists, Phil Needham and Ronan Cummins, and provide growers the opportunity to meet and learn new innovative management strategies designed for 150 bushel wheat yields.
“Whether you are a current customer of AgriMAXX or new to AgriMAXX, we would like to invite you to our 2017 Wheat Workshop,” said Wehmeyer. “After listening to Phil and Ronan, wheat growers will walk away with lots of ideas and the latest tips on improving their wheat yields and farm income.”
The 2017 Wheat Workshop is free to attend on Thursday, August 31, 2017 at the Martin Community Center in Marshall, MO from 9:00 am-3:30 pm. Lunch will be provided by The Brick BBQ. To RSVP, call the AgriMAXX Office at (855) 629-9432 or email matt@ssn.hsk.mybluehost.me.