The 2023 AgriMAXX Defender and Heavyweights

AgriMAXX’s goal is to improve farmer yields and profitability. We launch new wheat varieties every year with additional agronomic strengths. It is a rigorous process that takes years of trials and data to add a variety to our lineup; we make sure we only add the very best to our wheat portfolio. As many know, growing the best wheat starts with planting the best seed. 

In 2021, we launched special designations for varieties that display enhanced disease protection and superior test weight: the AgriMAXX Defender Series and the AgriMAXX Heavyweight Series.  The AgriMAXX Defenders offer premium disease protection. They have superior disease resistance in combination with elite agronomics for top yield potential. The AgriMAXX Heavyweights are developed for superior, industry-leading test weights.

This year, the Heavyweight series earned record-breaking test weights — achieving 67.1#. This is important because this means it is better quality wheat. Grain mills get excited with heavy test weights and it reduces dockage fees.  

To receive these special designations, they must display enhanced elite performance in plot trials. These varieties have more horsepower to deliver higher yields, heavier test weight and better quality.  We recommend every farmer to consider these in their wheat portfolio. Below are the current and NEW varieties for this upcoming wheat season.

Soft Red Winter Wheat

AM 520: Heavyweight

AM 520 is a new variety bringing more yield and heavier test weight into the ultra early class so growers can improve their wheat and double crop soybean returns. It has shown broad adaptation to many soil profiles with great review in lighter soils. Growers will like its huge grain heads and attractive appearance.

  • Aggressive tillering variety
  • Responds to fungicides for enhanced leaf health
  • Palisade recommended


NEW! AM 531: Heavyweight

AM 531 is a variety that shows up big for the combine. This Heavyweight is a very early maturity that yielded with the high performing medium early and medium maturities… quite impressive! The early harvest of AM 531 brings value to the double crop farmer looking to improve double crop soybean yields. This product performs well in no-till with very good emergence. If you plant early, you will appreciate the late joint of AM 531 to lessen the risk of spring freeze damage. We like this product in a fungicide program to help overall health and performance. Additionally, AM 531 minimizes head scab infections with a very good rating, enabling this variety to be planted behind corn and put high quality grain in the bin. Speaking of high quality, some mills have AM 531 on their preferred list. 

  • Very early maturity for early start to harvest
  • Top yielder in maturity class
  • Very good head scab resistance


AM 513: Heavyweight and Defender

This elite, medium early product is a stud. As a Defender, AM 513 has the best overall disease package and is a great fit for standard management programs. As a Heavyweight, growers will love the superior test weight and resiliency through harvest. It tillers well, joints late, performs across all soil types and finishes with an earlier harvest. In high management programs, it has contest winning yields.

  • Superior test weight
  • Good choice behind corn & soybeans
  • Good choice for 15” rows


AM 505: Heavyweight

This product showcases #1 test weight and #1 yield finishes… a rarity and a must plant! Test weights in the 63-65# range is a theme. When we evaluate yield, test weight, head scab, stripe rust and standability, AM 505 checks all the boxes.

  • Very good head scab resistance, good behind corn
  • Widespread soil placement
  •  Stiff straw for high fertility environments & higher populations


NEW! AM 535: Heavyweight

AM 535 is a new Heavyweight that is a new and improved AM 415. AM 535 dominates in the same footprint AM 415 did, so if you liked AM 415, you’ll love AM 535. This product can be placed across a wide variety of soil profiles and has the resilience to bring big yields, heavy test weight, great standability, good foliar disease scores and Hessian fly tolerance. Good years and tough years, AM 535 should be a consistent performer to depend on. Full speed ahead!

  • Great yielder across our Elite trials
  • Stiff straw for high management programs
  • Very good stress tolerance for stability


Hard Red Winter Wheat

AM Cartwright: Defender

This is a medium maturity, high yielding product for the Central Plains. It has one of the best leaf disease packages in the industry. In a non-fungicide program, AM Cartwright is one of the best you can plant. It also responds to high management programs, with 100 bpa finishes! Hessian fly resistance, moderate tolerance to acid soils, strong fall vigor and season-long attractiveness from plant health, a rich green color and big heads at harvest.

  • Excellent against stripe & leaf rust
  • Very high top-end yield potential
  • Good planted early & late

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  • Kristen Wehmeyer
    Kristen Wehmeyer
    Sr. Marketing & Communications Manager

    AgriMAXX Wheat