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Are you ready to increase your yield potential? We would love to hear from you! AgriMAXX Wheat is the leading supplier of high performing wheat varieties to American farmers.

Right now wheat is in high demand. We recommend ordering today. Please give us a call or send us a message and we will be back to you as soon as possible!

Featured Varieties

Why AM Eastwood? This is a high yielding, early variety that yields well in both irrigated and drylands acres. It has good head scab scores for growers wanting to plant behind corn. This variety can be pushed with management and has a strong ROI with fungicides.

The Defender

Why AM Cartwright? This variety is a DEFENDER with top rated disease resistance. This variety has one of the best leaf disease packages in the industry. In a non-fungicide program, Cartwright is the best you can plant… making it a MUST PLANT for your farm.

A Must Plant on your Farm

Why AM 513? This is an elite, medium early soft red winter wheat variety that is a stud. It holds the distinct honor of being both a DEFENDER and a HEAVYWEIGHT. Maximum plant health. Maximum test weight. Maximum yields.

Learn more about all our varieties!

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